arie nie si headphone pink nk membebel pasal result PMR yg dh pun kluar..
fuhhh,, scra jujurnya,, seyes lega,, x lah teruk sgt kan??? aq ingatkan aq dpt 7A jer,, tpi,, praise to God,, aq dpt lgi byk drpd yg aq sangka! 8A 1C,, not bad la kan?? quite good to me coz finally I can hit my target! sungguh seronok!!!!! tpi yg x bestnya sbb aq dtg terlampau lmbt,, and i miss our majlis pengumuman... huhu,, sedih lorh... bak kata kwn aq,, 'we melalui bnda ni sekali seumur idop,, so why should we miss it??' huh,, kalo la aq yg bwak kreta,, blhla aq g awal2,, tpi the problem is the man in the house has gone to work,, so,, trpksa la mendelaykan our perjalanan,, n we arrive late,, n smpai2 jer kat skola dh nk dkt pkul 3 ptg...seyes lmbt -.-'.. aq sedih sedu sedan sensorang je lah... then, my family and I terus g pjbt skola,,, ditemani olh ayah,, ^_^ (ayh aq bru je blik dri kg.. taun ni die blik kg sensorang sbb nk uruskan rumah aq yg otw nk siap :) ) mama n adik tunggu kat luar.. n aq pun g la msk pjbt nk amek result.. n then bile aq dh siap2 nk ulur tgn amek envelope aq,, tetiba krani tu ckp yg aq x byar yuran asrama lgi,, huh,, mau x terkejut nye aq.. tpi seingat aq ayh dh byar.. huhu,, x puas ati tul! tpi akhirnya aq dpt amek gak... and aq pun decide utk bukak kat luar pjbt bgi sebrg kemungkinan terkeluarnya suara aq dlm frekuensi yg tinggi....(hehe..) n then aq bukak la nvelope tue.. huuuu,, not bad! 8A 1C is quite amazing! (cuma C tu mencacatkan pemandangan..) hepi,,, tpi yg plg hepi sbb akhirnya aq dpt sijil utk khidmat bakti (gaya mcm bsr sgt je mandatnya) aq terhadap klab recycle skolah tu,, yela,, aq tlg sbb aq suka, saja volunteer,, x harap pun dpt sijil,, tpi rezeki kan,, aq dpt sijil tu,, (bgi aq sijil sgt berharga drpd trofi2 tersusun berderet) n aq hapi! :))) n mum n dad said that they want to give me a MP3 as a present for all my hardwork (especially in Math).. but I don't think it's too functional.. so I said to them 'why don't you give me a BESTA instead of MP3? it can help me in studies'.. and they AGREED! ulala,, finally I get my own BESTA! so happy with it! tpi aq tk dpt lgi sbnrnya,, sbb mum n dad tgh mencari nk bli kat mna n nk bli yg mna satu.. huhu,, x kesah! asalkan BESTA! (I hope I got the one that can play song with it..) A BESTA! can't wait!
BESTA ku syg,,
p/s- Nasuha dpt 9A! Najwa pun! tahniah korg! Syimi, me n Mas plk dpt 8A... huhu,,, tahniah korg.. bdk dorm kte mmg pndai2!